
Girl Scout Cookies!

I got my Girl Scout cookies this morning and I am so excited!! I got two boxes of the Shortbreads, because those are my favorite. I also got one box of Lemonades and one box of Caramel deLites. Yummy! Not so much in my new healthy eating plan, but oh well, I can't resist. I try to take full advantage of the cookies whenever I can because I was never able to sell them. I never made it to the full Girl Scout ranking where I could sell cookies. I am forever a mere "Brownie". Not because I didn't apply myself, mind you, but because my troop couldn't find a mother who wanted to be our leader after fifth grade. Hmmmm....what does that say about us?? ;-)


Mo said...

My favorites were hoedowns (yeah, that's probably not spelled correctly). The ones with peanut butter covered in chocolate.

Tidbit of info for the day: I was actually kicked out of Girl Scouts (I made it to Junior, thank you very much) because my friend Lesley and I gave a girl we thought could use a little help in the looks department (trust me, she was rough!) a makeover. Yeah, our leaders thought that was terribly un-scoutlike, so we were "dismissed."

Whatever, the troop disbanded like 2 weeks later.


Alison said...

so hilarious, Mo!!

The Aguilars said...

Yum I could go for some Samoas right now or a Tagalong. I haven't seen any girl scouts- damn where are they!!

April said...

Yummy...I got mine last week. Tagalongs and Thin Mints (Tom's fave) and Thanks a lot cookies which are like shortbread dipped in chocolate. So good. How come they don't call them by the 'traditional' names anymore???
Mo, your girl scout story was hysterical.

Christen said...

Oh no! I totally missed them! Where are my co-workers' kids when you need them? :-(