

Before I moved to KC and got the big-time job, I was a regular at yoga class, going 2-3 times a week. Since I moved, though, it has been so hard to fit working out into my schedule. I really miss yoga, and it helps me de-stress, so I decided to buy some DVD's that I can use at home. I figure I am more likely to do something if I don't have to leave my house! Well, I am so glad I did. I started the first one this week and I already feel so much better. So much more relaxed, flexible, de-stressed. I think yoga should be a necessity in everyone's life! The DVD I've been doing this week is Mark Blanchard's Progressive Power Yoga Trilogy. It has three DVD's and each one has a work-out that's about an hour and a half. If you alternate them you're body won't build up a tolerance to the movements--the variety is beneficial. It is a good set because there are people of all levels in the class and if you can't do the poses he is doing, you just do as much as you can or rest. The goal is to keep practicing until you can do what he does. The sessions are a little long, so I usually fast-forward through parts of them...45 min is about all I can take. And, I would say this set is not for a beginner that has never done yoga before. But if you've done a beginner yoga class for awhile, and you know all the basic poses, it's great. I cannot stress enough how great yoga makes you feel. Get out there and try it!


April said...

I have been wanting to get into yoga!! Everyone says it makes you feel so much better and stronger. Maybe I'll give them a try....after I learn some basics!!

Alison said...

It really is fabulous! I know there are good beginner dvd's out there that you would surely love.