

Any melancholy I may have been experiencing recently due to my not being a part of the current baby plague among my best friends has officially been banished by the screaming baby that moved in next door to me in my apartment building. A little over a month ago I first heard the screaming baby on the other side of my bedroom wall. The wierd thing is, I don't hear it every night. About every other week for a few days I hear it screaming over there and I hear the parents trying to deal with it. Well, the baby is IN this week and the last two nights it has screamed until about 1:30 in the morning. This royally irks me because I did not get to sleep last night until about 2am when the parents finally got the baby to shut up. And I have the huge bags under my eyes to prove it. My dilemma is how to deal with this situation. I honestly feel sorry for the parents but at the same time it is not fair that I have to wake up every time the baby does--it's not mine! I feel like this is something I can definitely complain to the landlord about, but how do I do that without looking like a heartless witch who hates babies??? HELP. I need to sleep!!


Christen said...

Ooooh, tricky Al. What if you get a fan or sound machine (think Carrie and Berger, SATC Season 5?) to hopefully drown some of it out. Or earplugs. Sounds wierdo, but two of my girlfriends from Denver wore earplugs every night because our apartment complex (we all lived in the same building) was so loud.

The Aguilars said...

oh my gosh that's horrible. That is a tough one. I don't even know what to suggest. Can you move your bed to the other side of the wall and buy a sound machine...hopefully the baby will get past the late night crying. Sorry that's probably not the advice you wanted to hear..

Anonymous said...

wow that's rough. I agree with the aguilars about getting a sound machine. Those seem to drown out alot of noise. Good luck!
Aunt Marilyn