
New Job, New City

Everyone has been getting on me lately about not updating my blog, and I'm sorry that I haven't. I was going through so many changes the last couple months that I just never seemed to find the time. I moved to Kansas City and started a new job at Lathrop & Gage, so a lot has happened! I will try to do better about posting updates. For now, you can check out my profile on the Lathrop & Gage website, which just went up today. I've really enjoyed working there so far. We will see how it goes!


Christen said...

Yeah! I'm glad you're back! And I loove your profile page. Your picture is gorgeous!

The Aguilars said...

Welcome back to the blogging world. I hope you are loving being in KC and enjoying your new job!

April said...

Yay! Glad to see you back! I am going to go look at your profile page right now :)
Hope you are enjoying your new life in KC!

Mo said...

Umm, you are not even 30 years old yet and you have an "assistant?"

Holy crap, I picked the wrong field.

Congrats friend!